Saturday 10 September 2016

28 - Moronobu: Beauty Looking Back

Ukiyo-e. Painting.Moronobu. mikaeri-bijin.
Moronobu: Beauty Looking Back

The picture this week is “mikaeri-bijin” [beauty looking back] a painting by Hishikawa Moronobu (1618-1694), who was the first true ukiyo-e artist. He set the norm for bijinga, a norm to a large extent still defining bijinga as a genre. But his “beauty looking back” is not only artistically interesting, it has also influenced the Japanese language.

見返り美人 – mikaeri-bijin - became a Japanese term for a beautiful woman looking back. But in modern Japanese it has a more special meaning. It is a girl or woman looking beautiful from behind, but, when she turns around, proves to be ugly from the front. The concept contains a degree of disappointment. I don't know of any other language having a special word for this.

There is no reason to believe that the name connoted ugliness or disappointment for Moronobu. That came later.