Saturday 3 June 2017

66 - Chikanobu: The Battle of Awazugahara

Ukiyo-e. Chikanobu. Awazugahara. Tomoe Gozen.
Chikanobu: The Battle of Awazugahara: The warrior woman Tomoe Gozen and Hatakeyama Shigetada

Here we have a triptych from 1883 by Toyohara Chikanobu: The Battle of Awazugahara: The warrior woman Tomoe Gozen and Hatakeyama Shigetada.

The print is an illustration to Heike Monogatari [平家物語] - The Tale of the Heike - which is a recording from the 13th century about the wars between the Taira (Heike) and the Minamoto (Genji) clan.

Tomoe Gozen was a female samurai who became a fighter in order to protect Kiso Yoshinaka, her beloved.